Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cross Stitch Big Ben Free Pattern How Can I Convert A Cross Stitch Pattern From 18 Ct Aida To 14 Ct Aida? How Will I Know How Big My Cloth Will?

How can I convert a cross stitch pattern from 18 ct aida to 14 ct aida? How will i know how big my cloth will? - cross stitch big ben free pattern

How do I make a model for cross-stitch 18 to 14 ct ct Aida Aida? How do I know how my great cloth is required?


etextrea... said...

Your employer should have a number of issues that have to say., 85 x 154

To determine the size of the structure, you need to divide 85 by 14 and 154 for 14 .... Product design will add at least 2-3 cm, the size of the canvas.

Example: 85/14 = 6.07; 154/14 = 11
Trim Size: 6.07 "x 11"
Screen Size: 8 "x 13" or 9 "x 14"

nyhilly said...

Take your pattern and count up the number of parking spaces and over who gives the size of the room, take your piece of 18K and counting out the fields below to do your decor game, so in width, the brand, and retain the flexibility to design or termination later, and then simply say stictch to the beauty of it all works the same regardless of the nomenclature.

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